About me
Ana Pais
Astrologically speaking, I'm a Sagittarius with Gemini ascending. My love for travelling, for different cultures and philosophies & for esoteric knowledge has always been present in my life. I studied tourism in Portugal and abroad.
Throughout my career in the cruise industry I've had the opportunity to ‘sell many dreams’ to those who wanted to travel the seas. And whenever I could, I would choose a destination, and with a camera on my neck, off I went to collect memories to put in an album somewhere on a shelf at home. At one point, I had a ‘voluntourism’ experience with an indigenous community in Costa Rica and discovered that I could combine my love for travelling with the greater purpose of helping others. It was also during a trip, but this time to Bali, that I first came into contact with ThetaHealing® - one of those trips where the Universe and the stars conspire in our favour! And without realising it, the course of my life began to change!
It was the beginning of the most fascinating journey I have ever taken – A journey into my inner self and the discovery of the unlimited potential that I am.
Today, I continue to travel to deepen my knowledge about ThetaHealing® and to get to know my true self more deeply. I rarely take my camera with me anymore, but the memories I collect, the learning I do and the growth I have achieved are endless. In this spiritual quest, I found my purpose, and the JustBu project is part of the result of that realisation.
Just Be You
Dare to
About JustBU
I'm eternally curious and passionate about life. I've never been able to settle for the obvious or resign myself to day-to-day routines. In the search for something different, to find the answers to my many existential questions, in the search for wanting to feel more, I found my purpose.
I found that my passion is to help people find their purpose too, to grow and flourish! Help them with their dreams and desires for a healthier and more balanced life, in areas such as relationships, health, family or career!
JustBU was born from that dream, to INSPIRE others by doing what inspires me!
I believe that each one of us has the right and the power to be who we really are, in our Essence and Truth. Express our own Self and develop our potential by experiencing the best version of ourselfs!
The world needs you, it needs more people who can bring love, light and inspiration to the world!
Using the ThetaHealing® tool, JustBU's mission is to support you on this path and help you in your spiritual and personal development. Dare to dig into your inner Self and discover the unlimited potential that YOU are!
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there"
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland -
One step at a time towards balance.
Thetahealing® Certifications
The information displayed in this profile is provided by Thetahealing Institute of Knowledge®
Basic DNA
2014 - Bali, Indonesia
Advanced DNA
2014 - Bali, Indonesia
Manifesting And Abundance
2014 - Bali, Indonesia
soul mate
2014 - Bali, Indonesia
Intuitive Anatomy
2015 - Rio Janeiro, Brazil
Rhythm to a Perfect Weight
2015 - Rio Janeiro, Brazil
World Relations
2016 - London, UK
Dig Deeper
2017 - London, UK
2018 - London, UK
Planes Of Existence
2018 - London, UK
Disease and Disorder
2019 - Montana, USA
You and Your Significant Other
2019 - Lisbon, Portugal
You and The Creator
2019 - Lisbon, Portugal
You and Your Inner Circle
2021 - Online
Basic DNA Instructors
2014 - London, UK
Advanced DNA Instructors
2014 - London, UK
Manifesting And Abundance Instructors
2017 - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Soul Mate Instructors
2017 - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Rainbow Children Instructors
2017 - St. Petersburg, Russia
Dig Deeper Instructors
2018 - Valencia , Spain
You and Your Significant Other Instructors
2019 - St. Gallen, Switzerland
You and The Creator Instructors
2019 - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Disease & Disorder Instructors
2020 - Online
Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Instructors
2020 - Online
You and Your Inner Circle Instructors
2021 - Online
World Relations Instructors
2021 - Online
Intuitive Anatomy Master Instructors
2019 - Montana, USA
Game of Life
2016 - London, UK
Coaching Certifications
Unleash the Power Within You -Tony Robbins
2018 - Singapore, SN
Coaching and Communication, CECOA Constança Coelho Course
2018 - Lisbon, Portugal
International Certification in Coaching, World Coaching Organization (ongoing) Marta Ferreira
2018 - Porto, Portugal
Certification 'Points of You' Level 1, Marta Monteiro,
2021 - Lisboa, Portugal
Educational Background
Bachelor's degree in Tourism
1994 / 1997 University of Algarve, Portugal
Master in Tourism Marketing
1999 / 2001 University of Algarve, Portugal