ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA ONLINE
Fri, Jan 26
|ONLINE via Zoom
In this 3-day course, you will deepen the knowledge learned in the Basic Course and discover more advanced and faster techniques to apply in your healings. Take the quantum leap, and take your intuitive abilities to the next level of physical healing, emotional well-being and spiritual awakening.

Time & Location
Jan 26, 2024, 7:00 PM – Jan 28, 2024, 10:00 PM
ONLINE via Zoom
About the event
DATES: Nov 5 to 7
Fri 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm
Sat/Sun 09:00 to 17:00
Training Value : €360
ONLINE: The course will be given through the zoom platform, in a private room. Classes are live and online and CANNOT be recorded. Your permanence in classes is required to receive certification.
- Theta Healing® Advanced Book Vianna Stibal (postage included for Mainland Portugal)
- Digital manual sent before the course
- Official ThinK® (ThetaHealing Institute of knowledge) certificate mailed
- Access to the private group on the JustBuTribe whatsapp , sharing space and support for all those who have already attended a ThetaHealing course, taught by JustBU
- An online group meeting to be arranged, for practical support, questions and sharing.
- Exclusive monthly online meetings with other JustBu students to practice and exchange sessions.
In this 3-day course, you will deepen the knowledge learned in the Basic Course and discover more advanced and faster techniques to apply in your healings. You will deepen the Theta brain wave, releasing resentments, grudges and regrets. Take the quantum leap, and take your intuitive abilities to the next level of physical healing, emotional well-being and spiritual awakening.
In this course, you will deepen the knowledge learned in the Basic Course, as well as:
- Learn to clear negative thoughts and feelings, such as: anger, revenge, resentment, remorse, resentment, aggression, jealousy, envy and bitterness;
- Learn faster and more advanced techniques for working with beliefs and fears;
- Receive fundamental feelings for the quantum leap, through more than five hundred downloads;
- Clear Rejection, Resentment and Grief programs;
- Clear fears and traumas;
- Clear negative vows, oaths and commitments that prevent you from freely accessing the planes of existence;
- Deepen understanding and accessing the energy of each of the seven planes of existence;
- Release floating memories (memories stored in the subconscious, when in shock, trauma, unconscious or under anesthesia)
- Sending unconditional love to babies while in their mother's womb;
- Heal broken souls and broken hearts;
- Connecting with your ancestors;
- Connecting with your higher self;
- Working beliefs in non-organic material - Furniture, houses, businesses, etc...
- And other specific tools that will help you to greatly improve the ThetaHealing® technique;
Prerequisite: Basic DNA Course
Certification: as a Theta Healing® practitioner in the Advanced DNA course, recognized by the ThetaHealing Institute of knowledge.
The course will be given through the zoom platform, in a private room. Classes are live and online and CANNOT be recorded. Your permanence in classes is required to receive certification.
Para garantires o teu lugar é necessário que seja efetuado um depósito de 60€ e o valor remanescente liquidado até 2 dias antes do início do curso O pagamento pode ser feito através de: 1. MBWay via tel. 960357346 2. Transferência Bancaria (PT50 0033 0000 45510525282 05 - SWIFT: BCOMPTPL) Na referência, identifica o teu pagamento e envia cópia do comprovativo para o email: info@justbu.pt
€360.00Sale endedLista de Espera
Registra-te e recebe informação em primeira mão, assim que for agenda nova data para este curso. No espaço para comentários, indica se preferes o formato Online ou Presencial.
€0.00Sale ended